Have you ever gone through a difficult reading and realised that you grasped nothing? I am sure we all occasionally come across such readings that are frustratingly difficult to understand. In today’s post, we will look into strategies that can make such difficult readings more bearable. As per a research published by Harris-Stowe State University, there are four strategies that we can utilise to maximise reading comprehension. They…
According to educational psychology, we can categorise knowledge into three types: declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge and self-regulatory knowledge. We have already discussed about this categorisation is some of the older posts, but in today’s post we will talk about them in more detail and try to figure out how we can develop each of this knowledge…
What if you have a teacher who is homophobic and does not believe that homosexuality is real despite contradicting evidences? What if that person is teaching a topic that has no relation to homosexuality? Should such a person be allowed to teach? This was a question that was raised in my jurisprudence class. This raises an important question: should a morally questionable teacher be allowed to teach and influence future…
In our quest to look for more and more efficient study strategies, today’s post will look at the viability of case studies as a learning strategy. Law students and business students depend a lot on case based learning and I have experienced noticeable improvements in my reasoning skills because of it. So, let’s explore the science behind the idea and see if it’s actually helpful. What are…
Have you ever done a really boring internship and wondered why you have to do them? Can they really help you learn anything? I have done Internships where my only work was to arrange papers and browse the internet. I have also done internships where the employer took active interest in training me. So, whether an internship can be beneficial depends on who you are interning under. But if you…
Have you ever practiced the same technique repeatedly, hoping to improve? We call this drilling and in today’s post we are going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using drilling as a training method…